Friday, February 7, 2014

Destress thyself- Health Book Day 38

Exercise, coupled with good nutritious diet is the key to a healthy body and mind. We don’t have open space to walk around. We stay in high rise apartments with every item that makes life comfortable. But does that make life healthy? Even if we have space, we don’t have the time to utilize it. We seem to be on our toes always. After returning home from a tiring day at work, 90% people don’t feel like exercising. Either they would be too tired, lazy or stressed out. Alright then, if you fall in the above category, these exercises are you-

Practice deep breathing or Bhastrika- Sit in padmasan (lotus pose), bring the tip of your index finger and thumb together and place your hands on your knees, palms facing up. Arms should be straight. Close your eyes and inhale slowly. Hold your breath for 4-5 seconds and exhale slowly but deeply. Repeat the entire process 3 times. Then inhale exhale deeply with full force. Repeat 5 times.
While exhaling, imagine your fatigue and negativity flushing out of your body. Eventually you feel relaxed and calm.

Pronounce Aum- After deep breathing, practice “Aum”. The process more or less remains the same.

Inhale, hold your breath for 4-5 seconds. Pronounce “Aum” in the process of exhaling. Remember while pronouncing “Aum”, in the initial few seconds your lips would be oval like fish mouth. Purse your lips together and your nasal cavity vibrates with the M sound. The latter (M sound with lips together) should be longer than the “O” sound with oval lips.

Ideally these are practiced during the morning. However, one can do that in the evening too. These are great stress busters and make you feel rejuvenated.

Bhraamri- Your sitting position remains the same. Press your earlobes with your thumb. Index fingers to touch your forehead. Rest of the three fingers would cover your eyes. Do not exert pressure on your eyes. After deep inhaling, exhale from nose vibrating the M sound loudly. Repeat the whole exercise 3 times.  This exercise leaves your mind with a vibrating sensation.
If all 3 exercises are practiced in a sequence daily, gives you immense benefits-
  1. Regulates the right amount of oxygen throughout your body
  2. Increases your concentration
  3. Acts as stress buster
  4. Relieves you of fatigue& laziness
  5. Refreshes mood, counters mood swings
  6. Helps you relax
De stress yourself the yogic way and lead a happy healthy life!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Back ache? Health Book- Day 37

Recap- Yesterday was Dhanuraasan (The bow pose). Read the full post here-
Today is a simpler one, named Bhujangaasan or the Cobra Pose. This is a back bend that stretches muscles on the front of the torso and strengthens your arms and shoulders. This is also a part of the sun salutation (Surya Namaskaar) sequence.

Step 1- Lie face down on the floor on yoga mat with your palms flat, placed beneath your shoulders. The tops of your feet should be flat on the floor.
Step 2- Spread your hands on the floor under your shoulders and brush your elbows against your rib cage. Close your eyes and inhale slowly. Feel the stability in your pelvis, thighs and tops of your feet.  Exhale gradually before opening your eyes.
Step 3- As you inhale, steadily straighten your arms and lift your chest from the floor. Do not fully straighten them as if may feel uncomfortable. Extend through and deepen your stretch to create an even arc in your back.
Step 4- Push your upper body off the floor and straighten your arms as much as is comfortable while keeping your hips, legs and feet planted on the mat. Tilt your chin upward and lift your chest toward the ceiling. Press your tailbone towards your pubis and lift your pubis toward your navel, narrowing your hips. Keep your shoulders broad, but relaxed, with the blades low on your back.
The amazing benefits of this aasana- 
  • Stretches muscles in the shoulders, chest and abdominal cavity.
  • Reduces stiffness of the lower back, Strengthens the spine
  • Strengthens the arms and shoulders, increases flexibility
  • Improves menstrual irregularities
  • Firms and tones the buttocks
  • Invigorates the heart
  • Improves circulation of blood and oxygen, especially throughout the spinal and pelvic regions
  • Improves digestion

No more back ache! Health Book :Day 36

I am no doctor! I am no fitness expert! However, there are few tricks that I know and practice for my spine health. With the kind of fast paced and hectic lifestyle we have, little issues like backache often go unnoticed till they become a major issue. Do not ignore the slightest pain in your spine. It is the spine that gives you the ability to look like a human! Sharing few easy exercises to prevent and cure backaches-
1. Dhanuraasan- Bow pose-
Named after the bow's shape, dhanuraasan stretches the front of the body, thighs, abdomen and chest, throat, and deep hip flexors.
  • It is a great solution for back ache.
  • This asana gives a good massage to the abdomen so it cures prolonged constipation, dyspepsia,and other stomach disorders.
  • This also increases energy and counteracts depression.
  • It cures spinal hump and joint pain of the legs, the knees and the hands.
  • It reduces belly fat, activates the intestines and increases the digestive power.
Step 1-
Lie down on your belly with your palms facing down next to your body. Exhale and bend your knees, bringing your heels as close as you can to your buttocks. Reach back with your hands and take hold of your ankles (Not the tops of the feet). Make sure your knees aren't wider than the width of your hips, and keep your knees hip width for the duration of the pose.
Step 2-
Inhale and strongly lift your heels away from your buttocks and, at the same time, lift your thighs away from the floor. This will pull your upper torso and head off the floor. As you continue lifting the heels and thighs higher, press your shoulder blades firmly against your back to open your heart. Draw the tops of the shoulders away from your ears. Gaze forward.
Step 3-
Pressure on your belly might make it difficult to breathe. However continue breathing. Stay in this pose between 20 to 30 seconds. Release as you exhale, and lie quietly for a few breaths. You can repeat the pose once or twice more.
Stay active and pain free with this aasan. More exercise for back would follow in the next blog posts. Keep watching this space!

                                   Keep fit with yoga at home and stay healthy stay blessed!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The butterfly - Health Book Day 35

As a part of the daily exercise regime and mission fitness, I am sharing an easy exercise called the TITLI AASAN or the Butterfly pose.
  • This is a simple exercise to strengthen your thighs, tone the legs muscles and relax them.
  • It also helps to open up the hips&  thighs and improves flexibility.
  • This aasan also stimulates the reproductive and digestive organs.
  • Regular practice of this posture is beneficial to the kidneys, bladder, prostate gland, and ovaries.
Method, step by step :

  1. Sit in the Lotus Pose or Padma Asana. (Crossed legs)
  2. Position your legs so that the soles of your feet touch each other. Your knees should be bent.
  3. Try to position your feet the closest to your pubic area hence pulling your heels inwards.
  4. Grasp your feet with your hands and sit up with your back as straight as possible.
  5. Flap your thighs till your knees hit the ground.
  6. Keep breathing throughout the activity.
  7. You may speed up the lowering and raising of the thighs to further relax the muscles. This flapping motion is what gives the Butterfly Pose its name.
Few precautions-
  • If your are recovering from any injury, do not try this at all.
  • If new to yoga, please practice under expert guidance.
See the you tube video for the aasan:

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Healthy to fast- Health Book Day 33

To fast is a way of detoxifying your body. However in India, it's more of a religious sentiment. Few Indians can fast for 5 days a week following five different Gods or beliefs. Whatever the reason of fasting is, the benefits are positive. Many do not know the benefits of fasting and the ways as well. You tend to hog or eat wrong things on your fasting days. That kills the purpose of fast.

Fasting correlates to cleansing and detoxifying your system. It balances and tones your body system as well. Detoxification is a corrective process in our cycle of nutrition. During this time we allow our cells and organs to breathe out, become current, and restore themselves. We need not necessarily fast to experience cleansing, however, minor shifts in our diet such as increasing fluids intake, raw foods, and controlling congesting food, facilitates detoxification. Fasting also helps prevent and repair DNA damage that could otherwise develop into cancer, besides keeping you calm. Increase your longevity and immunity by fasts in the right manner!


-Unless its a fast that is done without water, do not restrict yourself on water intake. Have more fluids like juice or toned/double toned milk.
-Avoid cold drinks or carbonated drinks else that should only raise the glucose level in your blood. Secondly these are acidic.

-During your partial fasts (where in you can have meal one time in a day), include fruits and raw vegetables in your diet.

-Non veg food items are restricted as they have high protein and cholesterol.

-Advisable to opt for food rich in vitamin C.


-Avoid using heavy gym machines or strenuous exercises during your fasting procedure. If you exercise at all, a brisk walk should be enough.

-Once you end fasting, avoid indulging in oily/junk or high calories food.
-Avoid fine flour (Maida) items.

With the right amount and kind of food intake, fast successfully and stay detoxified.  Take an ocassional break from food and bring a difference in your life :-)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Grab the grapes- Health Book: Day 32

Top post on, the community of Indian Bloggers

The easiest fruit to eat.. Pluck and pop into your mouth. No peeling, no cutting.. Wow...This sounds like for the lazy bums haha
  • Grapes are rich in anti-oxidant, which play a protective role against cancers of colon and prostate, coronary heart disease, degenerative nerve disease, Alzheimer's disease and viral/ fungal infections.
  • In red or black grapes, the anti-oxidants  have  anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, as well as anti-cancer properties.
  • Additionally, grapes are very low in calories. 100 g fresh grapes just provide 69 calories but zero cholesterol levels.
  • Grapes are rich source of micro-nutrient minerals like copper, iron and manganese. Copper and manganese are essential co-factor of antioxidant enzymes. Iron is especially concentrated more in raisins (hence is a recommended diet). 100 g grapes is sufficient for electrolyte, potassium in your body.
  • They are an also good source of vitamin-C, vitamin A, vitamin K, carotenes and B-complex vitamins.
The wonder grapes is anti cancer, anti virus, anti aging and anti heart disease agent. Pop in a mouthful everyday! Stay Healthy Stay Blessed  :-)

Friday, January 31, 2014

Tongue tales- Health book Day 31

Ashamed to stick your tongue out because it is white? Or do have bad breath? Both the problems are related to each other. A white tongue not only looks abnormal, but if left untreated, it’s a strong indication of a bad breath problem.
Tongue cleaning or tongue scraping is a process that the majority of people  don’t do on a daily basis. Yet, it’s one of the most important steps you can take to keep your breath clean and fresh!
Lets follow this healthy activity-
STEP 1: Start at the base of your tongue.Place a tongue cleaner/scraper flush against your tongue’s surface and sweep from the back to the front.
STEP 2: Once the surface debris from your white tongue has been removed, apply a small amount of toothpaste to the head of your tongue cleaner or toothbrush.

STEP 3: Gently coat the surface of your tongue  with the toothpaste as far as possible at the base of the tongue. This allows the toothpaste to penetrate below the surface of your tongue and neutralize the bacterial infection. There are more bacteria in the rear of your tongue than in the front!
STEP 4: Once your tongue is coated, allow the toothpaste to stay on the surface of your tongue as long as you can. If you begin to cough, or you gag just spit whenever you think you should.
Use a tongue cleaner daily to remove the debris from your tongue. Gargle with warm water before sleeping. 
Following this routine daily gives you the most benefit possible in cleaning a white tongue. This routine will help prevent white tongue, keep your breath fresh, and help you to maintain the normal, healthy, pink color that everyone would like to have.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Missed the gym? Health book- Day 30

Following a daily gym routine is not easy. However when you get used to it, then missing a day is not easy either!  I have had loads of work in office and hence been returning home quite late from past two days. I regret missing out on my exercise schedule like this. For those who face this on and off ,here are few easy tips to follow and move towards a healthier you.

-Take the stairs
. Avoid getting onto elevators or lifts. Some physical activity will keep your heart healthy.

-Walk- Walk some distance and walk briskly. The days I miss my exercise regime, I brisk walk from the main road till home. Almost a kilometer. At least that satisfies me that I did some physical movement! Jokes apart, this activity keeps your blood circulation in good form, tones your legs muscles and controls body weight.

-Stretch- Take short breaks from your work between your schedule to stretch your arms and legs. This awakens your sleeping inactive muscles and regulates the right amount of oxygen in your body. Stretching also relieves you of stress and tension besides shaking off the slumber from your eyes.

-Sweep the floor- This is the best exercise for home that gives you twin benefits. Cleans your house and burns calories too! The best way to do it is mopping the floor while bent on your knees. This shapes your lower abdomen and keeps your calorie count under control.

-Don't shy away from office sports- Participate in sports day or team games whenever you get a chance to. Sports is the best alternative to gym. I am not talking about carom or video games please!

-Dance it away- During the Diwali party in my office, I knew that I would miss my gym routine that day. I stepped on the dance floor and danced away my calories! Sounds cool isn't it? Do the same in wedding and parties when you know that you wont be able to exercise! Dancing will improve digestion, burn calories, warm up all muscles of the body and makes you look friendly & confident! That's a tried and tested method :-)

Be healthy be happy! Follow one healthy activity each day and make a positive difference in your life!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Food for soul- Health Book- Day 29

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body and a healthy body would only have a healthy mind. Did that make sense? So far I had been sharing tips for healthy body. Now is the time to share tips for a healthy mind-

-Think positive- Being positive and expecting positive results will only help you to achieve a well balanced life. A positive attitude is the key to happiness.

-Meditate- Deep breathing exercises, pranayaam and Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) will you calm and self controlled. It is important for your mind to be free from stress and clutter.

-Be close to nature- Walk barefoot on green grass, plant saplings, water plants, breathe fresh air, appreciate the beautiful nature, love animals and see the difference in your mood. You would feel the positive vibes from these and pass on to others as well.

-Fall in love with yourself- If you hate yourself or how your body looks like, you'd never feel satisfied. Be happy with what you have and improvise. Life is too short to regret. Get your peace of mind by being thankful to God by what he has bestowed on you. Atleast you are better than others who have lost several things.

-Do what you love, love what you do- Please stop cribbing about everything. Get a life for yourself! If your job sucks, go find a new one, but dont keep crying. If getting wet in the rains makes you happy, go for it. It's good to do something and regret rather than not doing the same and regret.

-Inculcate a hobby- Practicing a hobby or interest keeps you engaged and your mind occupied in positive things. It sharpens your skills and only adds value to your life.
There are many such things one can follow and keep worries at bay. The above are just the tip of the iceberg.
Inculcate hobby

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Thai Story- Health Book- Day 28

While looking into the mirror, do you feel your thighs look odd, ugly or fat? Are you avoiding those pair of jeans because your thighs feel stuck in them and refuse to breathe when you wear them? Dude, you seriously need to tone those thighs of yours. Sharing few exercises for the same-

Scissor Kicks- 
scissor kicks

-Lie down on your back with heels also flat on the ground and palms down at your sides.
-Slide your hands beneath your hips to balance yourself and stretch your legs. Lift your legs till they are 15 cm above the ground.
-Perform a scissor like movement while lifting one leg high off the ground and moving the other one lower to the ground.
-Your legs will not cross over each other, but thighs will squeeze together while they pass each other.
-Your lower abdominal and inner thigh muscles should remain tightened throughout the activity.
-Continue with this motion for about 10 seconds or count 15.
-Go back to original position, rest for 5-6 seconds and repeat. Do 3 sets of this exercise each day.
Your inner thighs and lower abdomen are toned with this exercise.

Regular Squat Exercise
-With your legs shoulder-width apart, lower your bum down towards the ground until your thighs are parallel with the ground.
Stretch your arms forward to balance yourself.
Act like you are sit on a chair. Balance there for 3 seconds before pushing up to the normal position. Do this 15 times in a single set.